Supporting State Administrative Reforms Launch of the Annual Conference of the Association for Middle Eastern Public Policy and Administration

 This morning marked the commencement of the annual conference of the Association for Middle Eastern public policy & Administration (AMEPPA) hosted by the American University in Cairo, spanning December 21-22. The conference, titled “A changing public Administration and Public Policy: Towards Embracing innovative, Strategic and Resilient Approaches ” is a result of the fruitful collaboration between the USAID-funded Economic Governance Activity and the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the American University in Cairo.

The conference aims to discuss major transformations in public administration and public policy in the region, seeking to present innovative insights on how to address emerging challenges in public administration, and leveraging modern technologies and innovation to develop effective and sustainable solutions for the future of public administration. The event features participation from a distinguished group of experts, practitioners, and decision-makers from around the world, alongside prominent government officials and academics. The conference will include keynote speeches, panel discussions, and specialized research presentations on topics of innovation, governance, and sustainable development.

The opening session began with welcome speeches from the conference leaders. Dr. Laila El Baradei, AMEPPA President, Professor and Chair of the Public Policy and Administration Department, AUC, said: “We are delighted to welcome numerous distinguished figures from the region and beyond, all interested in the field of public administration and public policy. This is the theme we chose for this year’s conference, held in partnership with the Economic Governance Activity (EGA) funded by USAID, and we thank them for that. For those joining us for the first time, AMEPPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the public interest and inspiring professional excellence in the Middle East. Founded in 2018, it has since acted as a vital platform for academics, professionals, and policymakers in the region to engage in rigorous academic research and innovative policy analysis. Its mission includes promoting excellence in public administration, public policy education, and research in the Middle East, through innovative teaching methods, impactful research, and facilitating knowledge exchange and evidence-based policy advocacy. The organization continually strives to contribute to regional development and support the creation of a more just, equitable, and prosperous Middle East by promoting principles of good governance, democracy, and sustainable development.”

Dr. Noha El-Mikawy, Dean of the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP), AUC, added: “It is crucial to address topics related to the massive changes taking place in the region, which bring immense opportunities and challenges, especially as the region faces unprecedented transformations that require appropriate responses from the state and society. Adhering to the social contract is what strengthens the relationship between citizens and the state. The region is not devoid of innovative models of public administration and public policy, and we must discuss these good practices. Regional cooperation and opening doors to global experiences are also essential, embodying the school’s vision of openness to good practices while focusing on equity and inclusivity in public policies and public administration.”

In his address, Dr. Ahmed Dallal, President of the American University in Cairo, highlighted the role of the university in supporting innovation: “Institutions in the Middle East face complex political, social, economic, and environmental challenges, but within these challenges lie opportunities to advance towards sustainable development through adopting innovative and inclusive policies and a comprehensive approach to governance. Technological advancements can enhance decision-making processes, increase efficiency, and improve public service delivery. However, these technologies must be integrated with justice, transparency, human oversight, and control mechanisms. Institutions must become more resilient and responsive to rapidly changing needs, incorporating sustainability into public policies and building resilience to adapt to economic shocks.”

Mr. Sean Jones, USAID Mission Director in Egypt, stated: “Today, we face enormous challenges across various fronts, whether political, economic, social, environmental, or even technological. We also observe that technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace, affecting how data is managed and utilized to support decisions. Environmental changes increase the difficulty of achieving future prosperity, posing significant challenges for countries in ensuring food security, education, and healthcare services. Through this conference, we aim to promote data-driven and innovative governance, addressing challenges through bold and practical public policies. This requires courage from policymakers to make decisions that go beyond easy choices, ensuring justice, accountability, and active participation. We are committed to supporting Egyptian efforts to improve public administration through innovative strategies, including capacity development, establishing internal audit and governance units, and enhancing transparency and efficiency in government work.”

Dr. Ahmed Tantawy, Advisor to the Minister of Communications and Information Technology, and Head of the Applied Innovation Center, speaking on behalf of Dr. Amr Talaat, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, said: “We aim to enhance the use of emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence, to achieve the nation’s critical goals. Every province in the world has essential functions beyond just service delivery, such as healthcare, education, and economic development, but there is a lack of activities within the public sector related to developing these services using technology. Hence, we are trying to establish an entity within the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to do this ourselves. For example, we developed an AI-based solution for diabetic retinopathy screening, successfully screening 12,000 Egyptian diabetics. Innovation significantly impacts how public policies are formulated and implemented.”

Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of Planning and Economic Development and International Cooperation in Egypt, in her virtual address, said: “Among the notable initiatives is the Economic Governance Activity funded by USAID, which runs from 2023 to 2030. This project embodies the spirit of cooperation by enhancing economic governance, particularly reforms that align with Egypt’s Vision 2030 and the National Anti-Corruption Strategy. The program has achieved tangible successes, such as launching “Kemet,” the first AI-powered chatbot in civil service to enhance transparency and provide instant access to legal information, providing an initial framework for the national administrative reform strategy, enhancing the monitoring of the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy using electronic performance management tools, developing digital training courses for civil service focused on administrative skills, ethics, and gender equality, supporting the incubation of startups to create new job opportunities and highlight the role of entrepreneurship in economic growth, and launching mentoring programs for women in civil service, enhancing their roles as new leaders. This progress aligns with the ministry’s efforts to support public administration reform and amplify the positive impact of innovation-driven initiatives.”

Following Dr. Rania Al-Mashat’s address, a keynote speech was delivered by Dr. Saleh El-Sheikh, President of the Central Agency for Organization and Administration in Egypt, titled “Public Administration Reforms in Egypt: The Way Forward.” He emphasized the crucial role of the government in developing services provided to citizens, highlighting the importance of administrative reforms in achieving better levels of government services. He noted that the conference provides an important opportunity to learn about global best practices, helping to highlight the challenges facing the administrative system, such as legislation and the overlap of governmental institutions’ activities. He pointed out that developing the technical framework and administrative reform plan are fundamental to achieving sustainable development in line with Vision 2030. He stressed the importance of achieving effective and rigorous administrative development that contributes to the state’s developmental role through comprehensive legislative reform and the development of civil service law, enhancing institutional capacities and effectively handling data. These reforms are not merely administrative steps but are necessary to achieve a true transformation in how government services are delivered and improving the lives of Egyptian citizens.

The conference began with an inaugural panel discussion titled “Enhancing Governance Initiatives in Egypt,” featuring participation from a distinguished group of experts and decision-makers in the field of governance and administrative reform. The panel included Dr. Ahmed Darwish, former Minister of State for Administrative Development, Major General Khaled Abdel Halim, Governor of Qena, Major General Essam Zakaria, Head of Strategic Planning at the Administrative Control Authority, and the session was moderated by Dr. Khaled Zakaria Amin, Professor of Public Policy and EGA Lead Advisor. The session highlighted the main national efforts and initiatives aimed at enhancing governance and achieving sustainable development through improving government performance and building effective institutions that support transparency and efficiency.

It is noteworthy that this conference is part of the efforts of the Economic Governance Activity (EGA) implemented with funding from USAID. The project aims to support the investment climate in Egypt by enhancing economic governance, improving institutional and administrative development, aligning with Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 and the administrative reform vision. The project focuses on enhancing governance reforms through developing new service delivery models, improving institutional efficiency to ensure greater responsiveness to the needs of citizens and the private sector, thereby supporting the investment climate in Egypt. The project’s goals include enhancing economic governance reforms, improving the performance capabilities of public institutions, and developing and implementing innovative models for public service delivery.

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